But often I have realised world has good people ,there is more love , more care , more humanity than you think exists. On One such outing on a cool , calm, camp site , so silent that I could clearly hear my heart beat I heard it beat faster ! What was it ? A car , a car full of people , a car full of people speaking Urdu.. ushhhh, Wait there is another car , yes it's full too! Young people shouting on top of their voice, but now in kannada , young people shouting biriyani! biriyani! shouting when you could actually hear a whisper. Or Wait! is it my insecurity , awake and shouting louder than the young boys straight onto my ears? Never know ! can't say !
It's well past 1 in the night , the mind is a beautiful thing , isn't it! After half an hour of no bothering from the crowd of youngsters the mind said it's just a gang of boys having fun. It also reminded of my own gang of boys , our own share of fun , our late night parties , the booze, the laughter and what not. It also compared that aah! We had better fun!
Slowly I sneaked out of the tent , it looked a secured place now , I walked up to them . Saar! Did we disturb your sleep? Asked one , Saar! Where are you from , here , take this juice , we don't drink alcohol said another. Shame! I looked the outside world from my insecurities , I said to myself and bid goodbye and entered the tent , after all a good sleep was awaiting me.
Be well , Santhosh
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